Busy first week

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Hi everyone!

It’s been a busy first week of production at the Dù headquarters and we’ve finally managed to find a couple quiet moments to share what we’ve been up to.

The four main events this week were definitely:  the photo shoot, the first batch of rehearsals with the entire cast, the launch of the first teaser trailer (you can watch it here ) and the opening of the booking office.


The clip made the internet rounds and was received enthusiastically with everyone trying to guess what it all means and what the play is about – it was fascinating to hear everyone’s interpretation so early in the process!



Needless to say, it was all pretty exciting (and tiring!) but totally worth it.

And as we prepare for another full week of rehearsals, meetings and everything else in between keep following us (a couple guests will be popping in very soon) and don’t forget to get your tickets (from here!)


Happy Sunday!


The Dù team


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